Copyright Infringement

If someone has violated your copyright or intellectual property, please write to us immediately so that we can correct it. Below are a few scenarios through which you can get more information if any of the cases concern you. If not, feel free to email us at any time at [email protected] or write us on our discord and we will be happy to assist you.

Our AIs were uploaded without our knowledge

In this case, we can transfer the account with the AIs to you. This would give you full control over your AIs. This includes the possibility to customize the info of your AIs and delete them. In addition, the person who uploaded your tools will lose control. If you would like to initiate this process please click here. If you prefer to request the deletion of your AIs from our website, please click here.

An AI uses copyrighted, infringing, prohibited, or racist material

If an AI uses copyrighted, infringing, prohibited or racist material, please email us at [email protected] explaining what type of infringement it is and which AIs it affects. We will then immediately try to remove this material and reserve the right to take further steps.